The 2010 exhibit, "In My Words", hanging at the American Sewing Expo
The online catalog of the quilts from the 2010 exhibit is now up and available for viewing!
A flickr page has been set up for the exhibit.
This will allow you to leave comments on the quilts if you like. At the moment, only the 2010 exhibit is there but it is my goal to migrate all of the work there from 2008, 2009 & 2010. This will provide a lovely history for all of the work to be seen as a whole.
Many thanks to everyone who participated in the 2010 exhibit and all the past exhibits! The exhibit is now retired and I'm very grateful to all of you for the opportunity to curate this and work with all of you!
Many thanks to everyone who participated in the 2010 exhibit and all the past exhibits! The exhibit is now retired and I'm very grateful to all of you for the opportunity to curate this and work with all of you!